Sunday 30 October 2011

The Launch!

Having pretty much completed the website before our big day yesterday, and also having kept up with entries to our giveaway in a separate spreadsheet I started the day in a pretty relaxed state...After all, my day from hell had turned out pretty good hadn't it?

Our router had died on Friday...good timing I know! But the Geek  had managed to get the local computer guy to meet us after the Show so we could buy another one and we had the wireless "dongle" from the shop which we had been using in the mean time so I wasn't really worried.

After snuggling with the kids for a bit and then making a cup of tea I settled in on my lap top to spam a few facebook walls and just let people know that they only had about 4 hours left to get their entries in and maybe rustle up a few more likers. 

All good...until about 5 min after I sat down my internet dropped out.  I couldn't work out what the problem was and with the Geek still in bed there wasn't much I could do about it do I went and hung the nappies and did a few other bits and pieces.  When I came back in again my internet was working so I settled back in again.  This time it lasted maybe half an hour, but it was moving REALLY slow so I still got almost nothing done.

*Sigh*  Had to wait till the Geek got up so he could sort it out!  As it happens, the Geek was up by 7am (fairly early for him on a Sunday) and got straight onto the job.  It turns out that we didn't need a new router after all but instead our ISP had dropped off.  Being with a smaller ISP...well do you think they were open at 7 oclock on a Sunday morning??? And to make matters worse our dongle was not only being slow but was also spending most of the time not getting a signal. the mean time Bear gets up and he is like...well like a bear...with a sore head!

We are talking big...big, big, big meltdown! 

He still wants to go to Gym so I think that is still the trigger but it certainly wouldn't have helped that we were out all day yesterday...or that it was a long weekend, they usually throw him too!

Meltdown pretty much went full on all morning, except for a slight reprieve when my mum arrived with chocolate biscuits.

So the Geek was madly chasing amnet around (once they opened) with this kid screaming his absolute nog off in the background!

In between all of this going on we also discovered that there were some entries into our giveaway that were awaiting I hadn't put them on my spreadsheet!  So now I had to go through all 176 entries and make sure they were all there and in the right order and that none had doubled up! All before we drew the prizes at 10am! WITH no internet!!!  Grrrr

I was starting to panic relaxed day had completely gone out the window!

Fortunately after 2 or 3 phone calls and much time on hold the Geek got the internet working again so we were able to do the give aways, only about 45 minutes late...with a kid screaming his absolute nog off in the background.

And because we hadn't had enough go wrong today, when we were adjusting the inventory after our sales at the show yesterday we discovered that there were a couple of the totals that were out and that the Geek had added 1 extra of each of those items to the website so now he had to go through the whole list and check the totals! 

At least we now had internet!

I left him to it and after trying everything that I could think of to calm Bear down...because by now he had been screaming for over nearly 4 hours...I eventually got him to settle a bit by moving the trampoline away from the clothes line and letting him loose on it with the hose...

What can I say, he's an odd kid!!!

He has had minor crankies over the course of the afternoon but that was at least the end of the really big one.

The Geek, awesome man that he is, got everything sorted just in the nick of time and we launched our website at 12 noon WST planned. 

And what's more, it works...we've had orders!!!

And now all of the younger members of the zoo train are in bed (aside from Grub who is passed out on my lap ATM) and we are enjoying a well earned cup of decaf and some gorgeous dark chocolate and I'm sitting here thinking "Was it really all that bad?"

Damn straight it was!!!

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