My Stick Family from
As you read you will probably get to know a fair bit about each of my children but you may hear a bit more about Bear than you do about the others. When Bear was 4 he was diagnosed with Autism, though we were pretty sure long before then that that's what he had. He has low functioning autism and a developmental delay and is HARD WORK!!! It is because of him (and with some encouragement from Jane from This Is No Ordinary Kid, that I got involved with Special Saturday and will be trying to join them every week with a post to help raise awareness of special needs :D
Another big part of who I am...possibly the biggest, is my love for the Lord Jesus. He is my Rock and the one that gets me through the trying days. And I believe it's because of Him that I can still see my blessings and be thankful...even at the end of those really really tough days...weeks...years :D
I hope you enjoy your ride on The Zoo Train...I look forward to getting to know you all better too!!!